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Tire Chains: The 411 on Winter Driving in Yosemite

Yosemite Basecamp

Updated: Nov 23, 2024

So, yes, you can visit Yosemite this winter! It is a fantastic time to see some of the most popular sites without the crowds. However, one of the biggest barriers for many visitors is the requirement and use of tire chains. Understanding when and how to use chains is crucial for ensuring a safe and enjoyable trip. So let's see if this quick breakdown can help get you on the road to adventure!

What are tire chains?

The term “tire chains” is used to describe a wide range of options like actual physical chains, cables, and socks. They are all just traction devices that wrap around your tires to help add more traction in ice and snow.

Do you need tire chains?

The first thing to know is that tire chains are required in your vehicle most days from November through March. Yes, even if you have 4WD or snow tires, those chains need to be in there! Don’t get mad at Yosemite; these rules actually apply to all mountain roads.

Where to get tire chains?

In the Groveland region, there are only a few places that are open 7 days a week, including the Miners Mart Gas Station, the Yosemite Basecamp, 1000 Trails, and Rush Creek Lodge. Some of those places may let you return your chains if they are unused - make sure to ask about their return policy!

Vendors and installers may also be near chain-controlled areas to sell and install chains for visitors! But please note that prices increase dramatically as you get closer!

How much do tire chains cost?

Every location charges a little differently, but they generally range from $75-259.00 depending on the tire size. At the Yosemite Basecamp, our chains start at $64.99.

When do I put them on my tires?

The easiest way to tell is if it becomes difficult to drive. But there are other cues like roadside signs and busy chain installation pullouts. Before you leave the house or hotel on your Yosemite adventure you can call 209/372-0200 (press 1 then 1) for updated road information inside the park. You’ll hear a recording that is updated whenever road conditions change. The signs and recordings will explain what vehicles require chains, but this is what “Chain Conditions” mean in their simplest form:

R1 | Autos & Pickups with Snow Tires OK means you must put chains on unless you have snow tires or 4WD.

R2 | Four-Wheel Drive with Snow Tires OK means you must put chains on unless you have snow tires and 4WD.

R3 | NO EXCEPTIONS means you must put chains on regardless!

Is there anything else you should know?

  • Rental car companies generally don't provide chains and may say you cannot use them. Rental cars are not exempt even if you have a 4WD.

  • You can be cited by the California Highway Patrol and fined if you don't put them on or if you don’t have them when entering a chain-controlled area.

  • The speed limit when chains are required is 25 or 30 miles an hour.

  • Do not stop in a traffic lane to put on chains - you will endanger yourself and block traffic.

Do you have more questions!?


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